Our mission is to serve multiple communities and provide youth the opportunity to play their favorite sport, develop essential life skills, and make a positive impact. We believe that every child deserves access to education, sports, resources, and their transformative powers. Through Be Authentic Foundation, we aim to inspire unity, friendship, and cultural exchange, fostering global understanding. Join us in creating a brighter future for youth through the love of sports and being an integral part of the community.

Through our foundation, we are dedicated to making a long-lasting impact on children in Minneapolis, MN, Columbus, OH, and Ghana. We want to cultivate a space where the youth can learn and grow as we plan to establish a training facility where kids can work out and hone their skills. Alongside sports, education is a vital aspect of our mission. We are committed to providing educational resources to enhance children's learning and development. Through our events and initiatives, we strive to make a meaningful and lasting difference in the lives of children all over the globe.

-Back-To-School Drive - Thanksgiving Turkey Drive -Annual Youth Football Camps
-School Scholarship -Holiday Giveback -Youth Sport Recreation and Wellness in Ghana